Sunday, March 26, 2017

Printer progress 3/26/17

Printer progress--

Was able to wire the heated bed to the 24 volt supply today.  I also added a conduit to the loose wires under the heated bed.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Saturn V and Printer progress

First the printer--I have wired everything to the power supply and mini Rambo board except the;

  1.  y-axis motor
  2. extruder motor
  3. print blower
  4. bed heater
The y-axis needs a longer wire set and the wire came in from amazon on Sunday
Same with the extruder and print blower.
The bed heater wire need a small conduit run so the wire has a place to go.

I'll be able to get to these things on Thursday--Tuesday I'll be finishing up my project for 378.

I'm printing lots of red gantry parts for the rocket and will be able to have (3) printers running at the same time over spring break.  Also I plan to begin gluing the gantry subassemblies together this week

That's all I got.  Movin ahead!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Saturn V progress 3/5/17

Note I am in the process of assembling the third stage of the rocket.  Also, I'm printing parts for the gantry.

Printer progress

Today is all about mounting the power supplies and mini-rambo board.  I was able to mount the solid state relay as well.